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Pool Table Movers Los Angeles | Get It Done Right Use A Pro

Having a pool table moved involves more than just have a few strong men lift and transport the billiards table to a new location. The proper way to move a residential pool table is to fully dis-assemble the table prior to any transportation whatsoever. The main reason behind this is because residential pool tables are made of three pieces of slate, which means that if you pick up the table while put together in one piece you will damage the slate. Also, most homes are designed with door ways that would not accommodate a fully assembled pool table. In short, a residential pool table will not fit through doorways and is not designed to be moved while fully assembled.

The Correct Way To Move A Pool Table

Moving a pool table the right way starts with hiring a pro. If you need a pool table moved hire a professional pool table mover. A professional pool table mover has the skills, tools and experience to do the job right. A professional pool table mover will always disassemble a pool table before he moves it.

This requires:

  • Removing the pool table rails
  • Removing the pool table felt
  • Removing the 3 pieces of slate
  • Removing the pool table legs
  • Removing the pool table pockets

Once the pool table is disassembled it should be wrapped in protective/moving blankets and transported to the new location. In some instances it may be moved into the next room while home renovations are being done such as new flooring. In this case the pool table will remain disassembled until a later date when it will be moved back into the original location and re-installed.

Pool Table Installation Done Right

The installation or re-installation after being moved is very important. If not installed correctly a pool table will not play well. An uneven or improperly leveled pool table will misdirect shots while playing. Felt that is not properly stretched while being installed will eventually wrinkle and interfere with proper billiards play. If you want the job done right hire a pro to install your pool table. A professional pool table installer will install you pool table to within thousandths of an inch of being level, that’s pretty precise. The leveling all starts with the proper installation of the slate, each of the 3 pieces of slate is meticulously measured and shimmed for levelness during the installation process. Once the slate has been leveled a bead of wax is applied to cover 2 seams where the 3 pieces of slate each join. The wax is then cut down and blended in so that the playing surface is seamless and smooth.

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